The death has occurred of:
Maureen DRAIN
A letter of Acknowledgment and Appreciation from the family of the late Maureen Drain, Tannaghmore
The family of the late Maureen Drain wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Sincere thanks to all who called or helped at the wake, sent sympathy cards, Mass cards, posted online tributes or attended the funeral especially those who travelled long distances.
Special thanks to Father John Forsythe for celebrating Maureen’s beautiful Funeral Mass, enriched so beautifully by the music of John Hart accompanied gracefully by Ava and Erin McAleese.
Sincere thanks to Dessie and Paddy from Marrion’s Funeral Directors for their professionalism, compassionate and respectful handling of all the funeral arrangements. Also to Gráinne O’Boyle who provide the after funeral refreshments in the Parish Centre.
As it would not be possible to thank you all personally, we trust that you will accept this as a token of our appreciation.
Maureen’s month’s mind Mass will take place on Sunday 26th May at 10.00am in St. MacNissi’s Chapel, Tannaghmore.
The Holy Sacrifice of Mass shall be offered for the intentions of all.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for her.