The death has occurred of:
The wife and family of the late Robbie McCluskey wish to express our deepest thanks for the heartfelt support and sympathy received following the sad loss of Robbie, a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend.
We would like to offer our sincere thanks to our extended family, friends, neighbours, as well as the wider community, and to all who came to the wake and funeral offering their sympathies. Each gesture brought much comfort during this sad and difficult time.
Thank you to the medical staff of Altnagelvin Hospital, the doctors and nurses of Ward 26 and to Helen and Karen, Clinical Nurse Specialists.
A very special thanks to Rev Lindsay Blair for prayers and support to Robbie over the five weeks he was ill and for officiating at the funeral service. To Roberta Montgomery, organist, to Michelle Conaghan for her wonderful rendition of Amazing Grace and the ladies of the church for a lovely tea afterwards.
To Robbie’s former work colleagues and piper, a big thank you.
Thank you to W.J. O’Brien & Son,Funeral Directors, for the care and professionalism with the funeral arrangements.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, please accept this as a token of our appreciation.
Carol and Family.