Deeply regretted by daughter Eileen, her husband Spike and grandchildren Danni and Darren.
Fly, fly little wing. Fly where only angels sing.
Fly away, the time is right. Go now, find the light.
Monday 08 July 2019
Deeply regretted by granddaughter Nicola, her husband Gary and great-grandchildren Corey and Lucy.
Silent thoughts of times together,
hold memories which will last forever.
Monday 08 July 2019
Died 6th July 2019 Deeply regretted by his loving daughter Renee and her husband Paul. God saw you growing weary and a cure was not to be He gently closed your weary eyes and whispered come to me.
Monday 08 July 2019
Deeply regretted by daughter Eileen, her husband Spike and grandchildren Danni and Darren.
Fly, fly little wing. Fly where only angels sing.
Fly away, the time is right. Go now, find the light.
Monday 08 July 2019
Deeply regretted by granddaughter Nicola, her husband Gary and great-grandchildren Corey and Lucy.
Silent thoughts of times together,
hold memories which will last forever.
Monday 08 July 2019
Died 6th July 2019 Deeply regretted by his loving daughter Renee and her husband Paul. God saw you growing weary and a cure was not to be He gently closed your weary eyes and whispered come to me.
Monday 08 July 2019
Deeply regretted by daughter Eileen, her husband Spike and grandchildren Danni and Darren.
Fly, fly little wing. Fly where only angels sing.
Fly away, the time is right. Go now, find the light.
Monday 08 July 2019