Latest Sympathy Notices

The Officers and Brethren of Woodburn Ebenezer L.O.L. 787 deeply regret the death of the mother of Bros. Thomas and Leonard and tender deepest sympathy to the family circle.
W.M., A. Peoples and Sec., D. Hilditch.
Tuesday 08 December 2015 Woodburn Ebenezer L.O.L. 787

Deepest sympathy to Sister Margaret and McCullough family circle, from Sisters of Allison Memorial W.L.O.L. 206.
Thoughts today, memories forever.
Monday 07 December 2015 Allison Memorial W.L.O.L. 206

December 4, 2015. Deepest condolences from the entire family circle of her late sister, Sadie.
In the arms of the angels. Friday 04 December 2015

December 4, 2015. Deeply regretted by her nephews and nieces and the entire Rodgers family circle.
The Lord is my Shepherd. Friday 04 December 2015

December 4, 2015. Deeply regretted by her loving sister Mary, brother-in-law Albert, nieces Janice and Emma and families.
God takes us one by one and breaks the family chain,
but someday in a Better Land the chain will link again. Friday 04 December 2015
